Upon registering for the Science Olympiad competition schools are automatically registered for the closest regional tournament. Each regional tournament is run according to the current Science Olympiad rules. Most regional tournaments have competitions for both divisions B and C that run concurrently, but some regionals have separate tournaments and locations for each division.

Regional tournaments will allow more than one team from each school to compete. When multiple teams from the same school compete, the school will need to register each team and pay the full registration fee for each team. Under state rules, regardless of the number of teams registered for a regional tournament, only the top scoring team from each will school will be considered for advancement to the state competition.

Competition dates for each regional tournament are set by the individual regional directors, working in conjunction with the state office. Please see the links below for more information about each regional competition.

Missouri Science Olympiad Regions for 2024-2025

Due to their responsibilities for hosting the state tournament, the University of Central Missouri will not be sponsoring the region 4 competition for the 2024-2025 season.