Welcome to the home of the Missouri Science Olympiad!
The Nation's Premier Science and Engineering Competition
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Invitational Tournaments
Several invitational Science Olympiad tournaments have been announced for the 2024-2025 season. Please visit the invitational tournament page for all the details.
2025 State Tournament: Date Change
Mark your calendars! The 2025 State Tournament will be held April 26 on the campus of Central Missouri University in Warrensburg, MO
Regional Dates Announced
The following regions have announced their competition dates for the 2024-2025 season:
Region 1: February 22, 2025
Region 2: March 1, 2025
Region 5: February 22, 2025
Region 6B: February 22, 2025
Region 6C: March 1, 2025
Region 8: February 15, 2025
Information For:
Missouri Science Olympiad by the Numbers
175+ Teams
2600+ Students
30+ Years in Missouri
Contact Us: We are here to answer all your Olympiad Questions
State Director, Missouri Science Olympiad
Greg got his start in Science Olympiad as a grad assistant at the University of South Dakota where he helped Dr. Paul Otto run the South Dakota State Science Olympiad Tournament. After leaving South Dakota, his first job was in Plattsburg, MO at Plattsburg High School. Unlike Plattsburg Middle School, the high school did not have a Science Olympiad team, a fact that Greg changed by starting the school's first Science Olympiad team. In that first year, five students made the trek to the regional tournament and promptly took last place. Despite the ranking, the SO bug bit the students at the high school and with a lot of work (and help from Mrs. S.) the program began to flourish. The high point of the Science Olympiad program at the high school (enrollment of 250) was 2001 when Plattsburg High School earned the right to help represent Missouri at the Science Olympiad National Tournament in Colorado Springs. Following his tenure at Plattsburg, Greg traveled to Oak Park High School where he coached with one of the greats in Missouri, Dr. Lario Yerino. Now retired from public school teaching, Greg took on a second career as a private school teacher and is still happily spending his time as the Science Olympiad state director.
State Co-Director, Missouri Science Olympiad
Katherine Smith graduated from MS&T with an Engineering Management degree. She works in the private sector and applies the principles she learned every day to solve design, quality, and logistical problems. She delights in learning something new everyday. She enjoys martial arts, reading, cross stitching, heavy metal concerts, cosplay, and watching movies.