Welcome to Science Olympiad!
Over 2000 students from all corners of Missouri compete in Science Olympiad each year. When you compete in Science Olympiad you have an opportunity to learn about science, compete to win medals and trophies, and form life long friendships. Welcome Aboard!
How to Help Your Team
As a team member there are a lot of things that you can do to help out besides being ready for your competitions. Many Science Olympiad teams run like a club, with officers assigned to specific tasks. Some things that you might be able to help your team with include:
Team Captain. The leader of the team. Team captains may set practice schedules, take attendance at practice, recruit students and organize fun activities.
Treasurer. The treasurer collects and records the payment of team dues, T-shirt money, lunch and snack money, etc.
Photographer. The team photographer takes plenty of pictures at the practices and the competitions. Many teams will have the team photographer prepare an awesome slide show of all the behind-the-scenes activities of the team for the end of the year awards banquet.
Web Watcher. The web watcher monitors the internet and looks for updates on competitions and tournaments, rules clarifications and other important news and new resources for the team.
Secretary. The team secretary keeps track of paperwork, permission slips, T-Shirt orders, etc.