Scoring Policy
The Science Olympiad scoring policy will be followed at all Missouri sanctioned Science Olympiad tournaments. A copy of the policy can be downloaded here.
Senior Eligibility
Seniors that are a member in good standing and meet all eligibility requirements to be a member of a school's Science Olympiad team will not lose their eligibility if they choose to graduate at the semester. Seniors who graduate at the semester may remain on their school's Science Olympiad team for the remainder of the competition season. Note that if a school does allow a graduated senior to remain on their team this individual will count toward the limit of seven seniors on a team.
Students Participating Below Grade Level
Missouri follows the national Science Olympiad policy regarding students that wish to compete in Science Olympiad that are below the minimum grade level for a division. The national policy for below grade level competition:
Science Olympiad encourages students to participate in the Division that matches current Science Olympiad grade level designations. However, to support the inclusion of students who wish to participate in Science Olympiad, schools with grade levels lower than those stated in a Division are permitted to invite members below the grade level designations. (A K-8 school could enlist a Division B team of all 5th graders) Participation is limited to age-appropriate events (as determined by a coach, principal or tournament director) and prohibited where safety is a concern (such as the use of chemicals).
Home School Teams
Missouri Science Olympiad follows the National Science Olympiad policy regarding homeschool teams. The national home school policy:
Option 1 - Participation through a Local Public School If the state in which a home schooled student resides allows home schooled students to participate in public school activities, home schooled students may either (1) choose to participate as a member of the Science Olympiad team at the local public school they would attend were they not home schooled, or (2) form a home school team as set forth in Option #2, below.
Option 2 - Participation through a Home School Team Science Olympiad will recognize Home School Teams consisting only of students who live within the boundaries of two contiguous (side-by-side) geographic counties in a single state. As of July 20, 2011, the two-contiguous-county/single state policy will apply to all Science Olympiad Home School Teams who wish to attend to the Science Olympiad National Tournament and Science Olympiad will no longer qualify multi-county or multi-state Home School Teams. (This home school portion of the policy was adopted in 2008 and a three-year grace period of qualification followed.)
At the present time, MSHAA guidelines prohibit homeschool students from participating on public school teams. Due to Missouri law, Missouri homeschool teams are only eligible to participate in Science Olympiad using Option 2.
Small School Policy
It is recommended that all public school students may participate in Science Olympiad only as members of a team that is formed in the local public school that they attend. However, very small schools in the same state may combine students to form one team if and only if the total enrollment of the combined schools is less than 300 students. This policy only applies to public schools.
Competition Policies
Missouri Science Olympiad follows national Science Olympiad policies regarding tournaments and participant safety. Coaches are expected to know these policies and ensure that their teams adhere to these non-negotiable requirements.
Full list of all Science Olympiad Policies is available at the National Science Olympiad Website
Code of Ethics. Applies to both state and national tournaments
Team Qualifications. National Policy
Constructed Device Policy. Followed at all tournaments
Students with Disabilities. National Policy